Sunday, July 27, 2014
2nd Annual Beat the Heat Readathon
My "Deal Me In Lite" challenge is going so well that, what the hey, let's throw another short (short-ish) challenge/readathon in there, just for fun!
The 2nd Annual Beat the Heat Readathon (signups here) is being hosted by Jessi at Novel Heartbeat and Reanna at Phantasmic Reads, and runs from August 11 to September 1. I'm a little nervous about launching out on a readathon during this time, because it's traditionally an uber-busy time of year for me, what with school starting back up and things like that. Luckily, the rules are very simple: set your own goals for the three-week period, and READ. I can do that, although I don't know what my actual goals will be yet. Whatever they are, you can rest assured that they will be modest.
I'll keep this post updated with what I choose for the readathon, plus my progress. Stay tuned!
I received the following book for my 50th birthday, and it looks like just the thing to breeze through as part of this readathon: 50 Things To Do When You Turn 50, edited by Ronnie Sellers.
I also think I will be tackling Summer's Lease by John Mortimer. It's been on my TBR list forever, so it's high time I read it, plus... Summer!
UPDATE (August 30, 2014):
I have now finished this readathon -- my wrapup post can be found here.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
"Solid Wood" by Ann Beattie
Deal Me In Lite, Week 4: “Solid Wood” by Ann Beattie
This week’s story comes from The Best American Short Stories 2007, and was chosen by the Ace of
clubs. It is the first story by Ann
Beattie that I have ever read, and my verdict is, interesting, but not
compelling. It’s one of those kinds of
stories that you have to read more than once to understand all the layers of
the story, and all the veiled meanings. To
be honest, however, one reason I had to read this story twice was, the first time
I read it was late at night, and my brain must have been pretty fuzzy because I
missed a whole lot of things in the story that I only got the second time
around. (Memo to me: DON’T DO THAT!)
Anyway, my general impression of this story is that there
are a lot of important things that are unsaid by the characters, and that is
actually part of the point of the story, I think. The narrator, Jake Stiles, is visiting Key
West with his sister Doris, and while there they decide to look up the widow of
a mutual friend. This friend, Jacob Foxx
Greer, never appears in the story, but he is the person who ties all the events
of the story together. He was Jake’s
teaching colleague, a famous writer, and he was also Doris’ college professor
and the father of her child. Having had
the child at 19, Doris gave it up and so she never knew her son, or Jake his
nephew. We are never quite sure how much
of this is known by Clemmie, Greer’s widow, but the impression one gets from
the story is, she knows everything and has just chosen to ignore it. In fact, at one point she comments that she
thinks Greer married her because he could count on her to not remark on the
The title of the story, “Solid Wood,” is enigmatic, but
comes from a magic performance the group (including Clemmie’s daughter Penny
who is visiting from out of state) attends one evening at sunset on the hotel
pier. “Maurice the Magnificent” performs
once a year, out of respect for the white doves he uses in his very brief
performance, and his rare performance happens to coincide with Jake and Doris’
visit. Jake and Doris initially have no
interest in attending the show, but Clemmie calls and specifically invites them
to it, saying that Maurice is a “friend’s son.”
She also mistakenly calls him Martin at first (a Freudian slip?). During the performance, Doris is recruited as
Maurice’s assistant, and she vouches for the integrity of two juggling pins
that Maurice is using in his act, verifying that they are “solid wood.” But they are not, of course, because soon
white doves come flying out of them along with flames. This seems to be a metaphor for the solid
appearance of the relationship Jake, Doris, and Clemmie have, but which is
apparently shot through with holes and secrets and maybe even hard feelings.
I liked this story, and would be interested in reading more
of Ann Beattie’s work. Have you read
much of her work? Any stories of hers
you would recommend that I read next?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Literary Wordcount Infographic
I found this while perusing the blogosphere the other day, and found it extremely intriguing. So I thought I would pass it on to you. Via, originally from Cartridge Discount. Methinks this might be an interesting list for some kind of reading challenge! (Click on the ShortList link above to see the original [and readable] image in all its glory.)
Saturday, July 19, 2014
“My Double; And How He Undid Me” by Edward Everett Hale
Deal Me In Lite, Week 3: “My Double; And How He Undid Me” by
Edward Everett Hale
This week’s story was chosen by the four of hearts, my card
suit designated for humor (for some reason), which takes us to The Classic Humor Megapack, and to the
story “My Double; And How He Undid Me” by Edward Everett Hale.
Before I read this story and did some online research, I was
completely unfamiliar with the name and work of Edward Everett Hale. However, according to Wikipedia, he is one of
those authors who was pretty famous in his day, if not so much anymore. He came from a well-connected New England
family, and if his name sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because he had some
famous relatives. Hale’s father was the
nephew of Nathan Hale, the famous Revolutionary War hero executed by the
British for espionage (you probably have heard his most famous quote, “I only
regret that I have but one life to give for my country”). And Hale married into a well-connected New
England family, as his wife’s relatives on her mother’s side included the
famous Beechers (Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Henry Ward Beecher, among
others). He was also a minister in the
Unitarian church, and went on to become a writer of some renown, especially in
the realm of social reforms such as the abolitionist movement and religious
This story was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1859, and it was the first short story Hale
ever had published.
This is a humorous short story that is not actually that
humorous, although I do worry that humor is one of those things that is very
much a product of the times in which it is produced. Just look at the universe of Internet memes
out there, including the one above, as an example of some of our modern
sensibilities. Of course, I am not
suggesting that humor cannot stand the test of time as other forms of writing
can, but I definitely think that it is a genre that becomes stale much quicker
than other genres.
What, for example, is the reader supposed to do with this
passage from Hale’s story:
The misery was and is,
as we found out, I and Polly, before long, that, besides the vision, and
besides the usual human and finite failures in life (such as breaking the old
pitcher that came over in the Mayflower, and putting into the fire the
alpenstock with which her father climbed Mont Blanc)—besides, these, I say
(imitating the style of Robinson Crusoe), there were pitchforked in on us a
great rowen-heap of humbugs, handed down from some unknown seed-time, in which
we were expected, and I chiefly, to fulfil certain public functions before the
community, of the character of those fulfilled by the third row of
supernumeraries who stand behind the Sepoys in the spectacle of the “Cataract
of the Ganges.”
Wait, what?
There SEEMS to be some humor there, just judging from the
writing style and allusions to things like an old pitcher that came over on the
Mayflower, but I confess I don’t see it.
The premise of this story is funny in itself, and it had the
promise of being pretty funny overall.
The protagonist is a minister who finds himself ever busier and busier
trying to fulfill all of his religious obligations with his congregation as
well as all of his civic obligations. He
wracks his brain trying to figure out some way to do everything he needs to do,
but comes up short – until one day, when he and his wife are on vacation and
they happen to see a man who, remarkably, is the spitting image of the
minister. So he sets about hiring this
man to work for him, and also arranges to have his hair and clothing altered so
as to become a passable double.
However, this man is not a learned minister, but an
uneducated and shiftless day-laborer, so to make sure he will be able to
function in society, the minister teaches him four phrases which, he thinks,
should suffice for all of the social settings in which the double may find
himself. The phrases are:
1. “Very well, thank
you. And you?”
2. “I am very glad you
liked it.”
3. “There has been so
much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I will not occupy the time.”
4. “I agree, in
general, with my friend on the other side of the room.”
As I mentioned earlier, you can see the humor inherent in
this plot, and you can see how it is going to work out, as well. The double gets tried out at a variety of
functions, each more significant and perilous than the ones before, with fair
success. Then comes the biggest test of
all, in front of a huge gathering at which the Governor will be present, and at
which the minister assumes it will be practically impossible for the double to
get a word in edgewise. Predictably,
this turns out to not be so, and the double is the only one called on to
speak. He starts using the phrases in
awkward and embarrassing ways, gets flustered, and then goes completely “off
script,” causing a huge sensation and leading to the downfall of the minister
as referred to in the title.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
"Toga Party" by John Barth
Deal Me In Lite, Week 2: "Toga Party" by John Barth
For week two of my Deal Me In Lite challenge, my half-deck of cards presented me with the two of clubs, which takes me to The Best American Short Stories 2007. This volume is interesting to me because it is edited by Stephen King, himself a pretty fine short story writer, although that is not what he is best known for, of course.
For week two of my Deal Me In Lite challenge, my half-deck of cards presented me with the two of clubs, which takes me to The Best American Short Stories 2007. This volume is interesting to me because it is edited by Stephen King, himself a pretty fine short story writer, although that is not what he is best known for, of course.
“Toga Party” is an interesting, yet disturbing
story. The central event is the toga
party of the title, a soiree being thrown by a couple as a kind of housewarming
party to celebrate the finishing of their house, which sounds pretty much like
a "McMansion," as Barth describes it in the story.
Why a toga party? No
one in the story seems to know, except that it sounds like great fun to them,
and they spend many hours thinking about what to wear and also what to say as
their “password” upon entering the party – some phrase in Latin is to be
uttered by the guest as they arrive, and this is one of the only really
humorous parts of the story, as some of the choices of phrase include things
like “et cetera,” “status quo,” and “Ave Maria.” More than one reference is made as well to
the toga party of “Animal House” fame, but this toga party is decidedly darker.
This is NOT your John Belushi type of toga party.
Dick and Sue Felton, the main characters of the story, are a
happily married and seemingly happily retired couple living in the suburbs. They have a nice house, plenty of leisure
time, and also no real direction in life.
They have hobbies such as golf and tennis, but don’t seem to do anything
of significance, and they have a comfortably distant relationship with their
children and grandchildren, who live elsewhere and visit only once or twice a
year. They are both in good health and
self-sufficient, but they also know that this will not last forever. Dick in particular thinks a lot about
end-of-life issues, and even goes so far as to find a website that tells him
how much longer he may have to live. The Feltons also spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about
their will and their estate, which has been set up to cover every eventuality,
including what would happen if they die together. This turns out to be an ominous foreshadowing
of the story’s events as they unfold.
Dick and Sue have a mutual friend, Sam Bailey, who also
figures prominently in the events of the story.
He has recently lost his wife (in fact, the date of the toga party is
the one-year anniversary of her death), and his outlook on life, always
seemingly pessimistic, has gone only downhill since then. He attends the toga party as well, and his
actions there (involving a machete that Dick unthinkingly adds to his own
costume) play a pivotal role in the unfolding of the story.
This is a dark and depressing story, although extremely
well-written. Barth expertly draws the reader into the lives of his
characters. The story had an additional significance for me because more than once the characters refer to the events in
New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina as a way of heightening the
doom-and-gloom aspects of the story, and having lived through Katrina myself,
this kind of thing resonates strongly with me.
In short, not a happy story at all, nor one with any kind of
redemption or resolution (in fact it strikes me as overall pretty nihilistic),
but a good story to read nonetheless.
Monday, July 14, 2014
"All on a Summer's Night" by Ray Bradbury
Deal Me In Lite, Week 1: "All on a Summer's Night" by Ray Bradbury
This week, the inaugural week of my so-called Deal Me In
Lite (with many apologies to Jay at Bibliophilopolis),
began with the draw of the six of spades, which means a selection from Bradbury Stories.
I have never read a lot of Ray Bradbury’s work, and I am
especially ignorant of many of his short stories, so this was an excellent re-entry
into his work.
Part of what makes this story so affecting and so magical is
the evocative language and imagery that Bradbury uses throughout:
How many nights in winter had he gone down to the stone
public library and seen Miss Welkes there with the stamp pad at her elbow and
the purple ink rubber stamper in her hand, and the great book sections behind
In winter, he trudged home through icelands of magic, in
summer through bakery winds of sorcery; the seasons given substance by the
readings of Miss Welkes who knew so many people and introduced them, in due
time to Douglas.
Douglas basically has a noble, boyhood crush on Miss
Welkes. He sees a side of her that no
one else sees – everyone else in the boardinghouse thinks that she is a
dried-up, cobwebby old maid. The male
boarders certainly ignore her in favor of three younger ladies who capture
their attention. But Douglas sees Miss
Welkes as a fascinating woman who knows the fascinating people who wrote all
the books in the library. He decides to
act on his crush by buying her a present using money he had saved up for buying
fireworks. He buys Miss Welkes a bottle
of perfume, “Summer Night Odor,” which he notes costs him 97 cents for the
bottle. He leaves the gift anonymously
at the door of Miss Welkes’ room, and comes to realize that she thinks one of
the men in the boardinghouse bought it for her.
What happens next, I will leave for you to find out when you
read the story, but suffice it to say that the story ends on a bittersweet note
that is absolutely perfect.
I enjoyed this story very much, and with its focus on books
and libraries and the love of reading, it was a fantastic (and totally
serendipitous) beginning to my Deal Me In Lite project!
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